Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Centro de Madres: Taller de Muñequeria. The Women's Center Doll Making Shop.

As a secondary project (or complimentary as some prefer) I work with the local Women's Center, or Centro de Madres, giving business charlas, working on organizational strengthening and helping with marketing and sales of their products. The Centro de Madres is a group of 35 or so women of all ages, mainly 40 plus, but there is an entry point for youth to work with them as well. The group meets every Wednesday at the Taller de Muñequeria (Doll making shop), opening each meeting by standing and singing the national anthem Quisqueyanos valientes (or Valiant Quisqueyans). 

Taller de Muñequeria (Doll making shop):

I took photos of women making the dolls. The women have a set labor price, getting paid for each part they do in the process. 

Like filling the dolls:                
Or painting the faces:       

Making the dresses:

 They have a variety of doll products, each one with a different names such as Lolita and Ary:


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